The Mazeppa City Council working session was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Chris Hagfors.
Pledge of allegiance was said.
Present: Mayor Chris Hagfors. Councilpersons Mike Hammes and Erica Young.
Others Present: City Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang and City Engineer Matt Mohs.
Attending via electronic meeting:
Councilperson Jeff Nelson. Public Works Director Scott Ellingson, and City Engineer Chris Swanson.
Absent:Councilperson Steve Liffrig.
This meeting was a joint meeting held electronically with the Councils from Pine Island, Goodhue, Wanamingo and Zumbrota, their engineering representatives, and representatives from Minnesota Rural Water Association and Minnesota Pollution Control. Preliminary meetings have been held among the engineering and administrative staff from Zumbrota, Goodhue, Wanamingo, Pine Island and Mazeppa.
A Sanitary Sewer District would be a special government entity set up for the sole purpose of collection and treatment of waste produced by the communities setting up the district. A power point presentation was given about the pros and cons of forming a sanitary sewer district was given. Questions from members of the various Councils were discussed with the engineers and wastewater professionals attending the meeting.
At the conclusion of the joint meeting, the Mazeppa City Council remained in session to discuss the sanitary district proposal versus refurbishing or replacing the City’s wastewater treatment facility.
Discussions included overall cost of each proposal, funds already invested in engineering of replacing current facility, funding opportunities, and time frame of each proposal.
Discussion of agenda items for the next meeting. A sidewalk project proposal by the E.D.A. will be brought before Council.
A discussion of cost of living and merit pay raises was deferred until the Human Resources Committee could review and create a pay proposal.
Discussion of other items to be included on the February 10, 2021 meeting agenda were the selections of coverage for property and casualty insurance and a Public Hearing for a Conditional Use Permit for the school district for the property at 178 Maple St. NE.
Discussion of improved signage at Maple and 2nd Ave. NE, the delay in new speed limit signs on 2nd Ave. SE and slow-moving vehicle markers on City equipment.
Motion by Hammes, Second by Nelson to recess until 6:00 PM, February 10, 2021 for the regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting recessed at 8:30 PM.