Section 1. Deadly Weapons.
No persons shall manufacture or cause to be manufactured, sell, keep for sale, offer, or dispose of, any instrument or weapon of the kind usually known as the sling shot, sand club, metal knuckles or brass knuckles.
Section 2. Concealed Weapons.
It shall be unlawful for any person, without a permit obtained pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 624.714, to carry concealed any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as a sling shot, sand club, metal knuckles, brass knuckles, dagger, dirk, pistol, or other firearm, or any dangerous weapon within the City of Mazeppa.
Section 3. Weapons Declared Nuisance.
All weapons, for the carrying of which any person has been convicted under this ordinance, are hereby declared to be and are public nuisances and the same shall be confiscated, and no liability shall be incurred therefor to any person.
Section 4. Racing Animals.
No person shall ride or drive or cause to be ridden or driven any horse, mule, or other animal upon any public street within the limits of said City of Mazeppa at a greater rate of speed than 6 miles per hour.
Section 5. Unwholesome or Nauseous Things.
No person shall place, deposit, or leave upon any lot, street, sidewalk, street crossing, alley, or vacant ground within the limits of the City any garbage, swill, dead animal, offal, or other unwholesome or nauseous thing whatever.
Section 6. Diseased or Unwholesome Food.
No person shall sell, or keep or expose for sale within the limits of the City of Mazeppa, any diseased or unwholesome meat, fish, fowl, or other article of food.
Section 7. Adulterated Milk.
No person shall sell or expose for sale within the limits of the City of Mazeppa any adulterated or diluted milk or any other article of food.
Section 8. Driving on Sidewalk or into Procession.
No person shall drive or ride any automobile, truck, animal, carriage, or other vehicle on or over any sidewalk or through any funeral, parade, or military or civil procession within the limits of the City.
Section 9. Abuse of Animals.
No person shall unnecessarily, cruelly, or wantonly beat, torture, mutilate, injure, overload, or otherwise abuse any domestic or dumb animal within the limits of the City of Mazeppa.
Section 10. Trespassing on Cemeteries.
(a) Those persons responsible for the maintenance of any cemetery within the City limits of the City of Mazeppa shall have each entrance to the cemetery posted for times when the cemetery is closed to the public.
(b) No person shall take down or remove without authorization a sign posting the times when a cemetery is closed to the public.
(c) No person shall enter or be found upon the premises of a public or private cemetery without authorization during hours the cemetery is posted as closed to the public.
Section 11. Violations.
Misdemeanors. Any violation of any of the provisions of Ordinance No. 12-2 of the City of Mazeppa shall constitute a misdemeanor.