Section 1. Permit Required.
No sidewalk or curb and gutter shall be constructed on any street, alley, avenue, or other public property in this City without first having obtained a permit from the City Council. Application for such permit shall be made on forms to be approved by the City Council and shall sufficiently describe the contemplated improvements, the contemplated date of beginning of work, and the length and time of completion of the same, provided that no permit shall be required for any such improvement order to be installed by the City.
Section 2. New Sidewalk Construction.
(a) Whenever the City Council shall deem it necessary and expedient to construct or rebuild any sidewalk in the City, it may adopt a resolution to that effect, which resolution shall specify the place or places where such sidewalk shall be constructed or rebuilt, the kind and quality of the materials to be used therein, the width, the size and manner of construction thereof, and the time within which the same shall be completed. The Council shall proceed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429.
(b) The cost of any improvement or any part thereof may be assessed upon property benefited by the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, whether the property abuts on the improvement or not, based upon the benefits received. The area assessed may be less than, but may not exceed, the area proposed to be assessed as stated in the notice of hearing on the improvement.
Section 3. Specifications and Regulations.
All sidewalks and curb and gutters constructed upon any street, alley, avenue, or other public property in this City shall be constructed according to the plans and specifications herein provided. Before any construction work is begun, the City, at its own expense, will furnish stakes for the established grade and for the line of the improvement.
Section 4. The Sub Grade.
Sub grade for sidewalks and curb and gutter shall be firm, compact, and of uniform density. All soft or spongy material or vegetable matter must be removed and replaced with suitable material. The sub grade shall be finished to a uniform surface at the required depth below the established grade of the improvement.
Section 5. Forms.
All forms shall be made of rigid metal or straight and sound lumber not less than 1½ inches in thickness. Forms shall be free from warp and of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape. All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned and oiled before the concrete is placed. The forms shall be securely staked to the established line and grade.
Section 6. Materials.
(a) Cement: The quality of the cement used shall conform to the latest “Standard Specifications for Standard Portland Cement” of the American Society of Testing Materials.
(b) Fine Aggregate: The fine aggregate shall be sand consisting of particles of sound, durable rock washed clean and free from an injurious amount of organic matter, lumps of clay, and other deleterious substances.
(c) Coarse Aggregate: The coarse aggregate shall be screened gravel or crushed quarry rock of the proper size. It shall be clean and free from shale or injurious organic matter.
(d) Water: The water used in the concrete shall be reasonably clear and shall be free from oil, acid, injurious alkali, or vegetable matter. Not more than 6 gallons of water per bag of cement shall be used.
Section 7. Methods.
(a) The Mixture: The materials used in each batch shall be weighed or accurately measured so as to get a uniform product. The materials shall be proportioned so as to produce a uniform, dense, workable concrete which will have a compressive strength of not less than 2,000 lbs. per square inch at 28 days. In no case will a mixture be used which has less than 6 bags of cement for each cubic yard of concrete.
(b) Mixing and Placing: The mixing shall be done in an approved batch mixer until the cement is uniformly distributed, and the mass is uniform in color and consistency. The mixing period shall be not less than 90 seconds after all ingredients are in the mixer. The concrete shall be placed in the forms before it begins to set, tamped, and struck off to the proper grade.
(c) Curing: The concrete shall be cured by covering with a wet burlap or other approved covering for 3 days or by using an admixture of calcium chloride. If the work is placed in weather when freezing temperature may be expected, the concrete shall be given adequate protection.
(d) Moistening: The sand base for concrete walks and the sub grade for curb and gutter shall be moistened before the concrete is placed.
Section 8. Sidewalks.
(a) Width: The walks in the business district shall be not less than 10 feet in width, and the walks in the residential districts shall be not less than 5 feet in width, except where the City Council shall by resolution order different widths. The width of new walks as far as possible shall conform to that of adjacent walks.
(b) Thickness: The sidewalk shall consist of 2 parts, referred to as the base and surfacing. The surfacing of the walk shall be not less than 4 inches thick where used by pedestrians only, and not less than 6 inches in thickness where crossed by vehicles.
(c) The Base: The base shall consist of a layer of pit run sand or gravel not less than 4 inches in thickness and shall be thoroughly tamped to a uniform grade. The base of the walk shall not be less than 4 inches in thickness, except where the nature of the soil is such that the City Council or the City Engineer shall order a thicker base.
(d) The Surface: The surfacing of the walk shall be concrete having not less than the thickness provided herein, laid to a slope of 1/8 inch per foot downward towards the street, and shall be composed of materials and placed according to the methods described above.
(e) Joints: Contraction joints shall be made not more than 5 feet apart, perpendicular to the centerline and to the surface of the sidewalk, and shall, where possible, align with joints of abutting or adjacent work. Expansion joints may be pre-formed or poured type. They shall be ½ inch wide placed on all property lines and at uniform intervals not to exceed 30 feet apart. Expansion joints shall also be placed between the walk and all abutting curbs, builidngs, and other masonry and concrete work.
(f) The Finishing: The top surface of the walk shall be checked, and variations of more than 1/8 inch shall be corrected, then the walk shall be finished with floats and trowels to a smooth true slightly granular surface. The edges along sides and at transverse joints shall be carefully rounded and marked with the proper edging tools.
Section 9. Inspection and Supervision.
The City Council shall require inspection and supervision of all work done hereunder as deemed necessary. Any work not done according to specifications shall be corrected or removed at the expense of the permit holder. Any unsatisfactory work in the process of being constructed shall be stopped by the inspector as soon as discovered.
Section 10. Reimbursement to Property Owners.
The City of Mazeppa will reimburse the property owner or owners for the construction of a new sidewalk or the repair or replacement of an existing sidewalk to the following extent:
1/3 sand
1/3 concrete
1/3 rerod or mesh reinforcement.