Regular Meeting of the Mazeppa City Council
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Chris Hagfors.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Present: Mayor Chris Hagfors. Council Persons Michael Hammes, Steve Liffrig, Dustin Wiebusch, and Erica Young.
Others Present: City Attorney Luke Lamprecht, City Engineer Matt Mohs, Public Works Director Scott Ellingson, Municipal Liquor Manager Todd Ihrke, Helen Reiland, Paul Stimets, and Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang.
Present via electronic meeting: Wabasha County Chief Deputy Jim Warren and Holly Galbus from the News Record.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve the agenda and addendum. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Hammes, second by Wiebusch to approve the October 11, 2023 regular City Council meeting minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Public Works Director Scott Ellingson gave the monthly Public Works report.
Wabasha County Sherriff’s Chief Deputy Jim Warren gave the monthly Incident Command Report. He inquired if the new contract had been considered. Council stated that it was up for vote at this meeting and asked for officers to watch for parking violations and get the message to violators to observe the signs in place.
Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang gave the Fire Department report.
Municipal Liquor Manager Todd Ihrke gave the liquor store report.
City Engineer Matt Mohs gave an engineering update.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to order the abstract for the properties for alternate site one for the proposed WWTP. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
A working session to discuss WWTP progress will be set for Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 6:00 PM.
Karl Nahrgang gave a City Hall activities report.
Paul Stimets from the Zumbrota Mazeppa Wrestling Booster club requested to hold the drawing for the club’s annual at the Z-M Mazeppa facility.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to allow Zumbrota Mazeppa Wrestling Booster club to hold their raffle drawing in Mazeppa. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Helen Reiland asked the Council to consider re-installing a stove in the kitchen area of the Mazeppa Community Center.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve building permits; Building Permits: MZ23-16, 1432 Cherry St. E – garage/accessory building. MZ23-18, 376 Chestnut St. NE – modular home. MZ23-20, 376 Chestnut St. NE -re-roof, re-side garage. MZ23-19, 355 Walnut St. NE – furnace/AC. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to approve Mazeppa Personnel policy with updated Earned Sick and Safe Time provisions. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve new policing contract with Wabasha County Sherriff’s Department. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve Resolution 2023-42 Transferring $120,000 from reserves to general operating fund. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2023-43 Accepting Donations to the City. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve Resolution 2023-44 Certifying Past Due Water/Sewer balances to be assessed to 2024 taxes. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to purchase New Holland Workmaster 255 sub-compact tractor with 60-inch deck and snowblower for $5000 down, 72 months at 0% interest for a total of $29,017 and to purchase the extended warranty. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve Resolution 2023-45 to apply for Water Infrastructure Funding grant from Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for gap funding for the WWTP project. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve the Water Infrastructure Fund compliance agreement. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
1st Reading of Ordinance 45-1.24 Establishing 2024 fees for the City of Mazeppa.
Motion by Hammes, second by Wiebusch to pay the bills and claims. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Council thanked the Lion’s Club for donating funds for ice rink set up. The Mazeppa Women’s Improvement Club for donating funds for park projects, and Windhorst Excavating for donating time and equipment to reshape Herb Vik Field infield.
Motion by Hammes, second by Wiebusch to recess the meeting until 6:00 PM, November 29, 2023. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting recessed at 7:30 PM. _______________________________________