The Mazeppa City Council working session was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Chris Hagfors.
Pledge of allegiance was said.
Present: Mayor Chris Hagfors. Councilpersons Mike Hammes, Jeff Nelson, Steve Liffrig and Erica Young.
Others Present: City Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang, City Attorneys Luke Lamprecht and Elizabeth Deming, City Engineers Matt Mohs and Harry Davis, John Clemens, Bob Josselyn, Helen Reiland, and Diane Gilsdorf.
Motion by Hammes, Second by Young to approve the agenda and addendum. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Discussion regarding the renewal of the Administrator Clerk contract. Suggestion to date contract through February 28, 2022, to coincide with City employee review and cost of living adjustment period, and to update current pay and benefits.
Suggested list of names from each standing committee and Council to be appointed to the newly formed Park and Rec committee. Three members of Council are interested in serving. A plan must be in place to follow open meeting laws if a quorum of Council will be present at a meeting.
Council would like a representative from the Fire Department to be present at the next regular City Council meeting to discuss the changes and needs for the Firehall roof.
City has received first installment of American Recovery Act Funds of $44,707. Funds can be used for responding to the health emergency, limited replacement of funds lost due to the pandemic, hazard pay for front line workers under certain circumstances, local business subsidies, and water/sewer/broadband improvement projects. A second installment will arrive in 2022. Funds must be allocated by December 31, 2024 and used by December 31, 2026.
Budget for 2022 was presented and discussed. For 2021, tax levy was not increased. For 2022, budget was presented with a 1.4% increase. This increase captures the increase in value created by 5 new homes constructed in 2020. The total increase includes a separate levy for the Economic Development Authority. Potential street projects were discussed, and the continuation of sidewalk upgrades.
Discussion of options to allow Mazeppa Area Historical Society to purchase or use City land adjacent to MAHS building to enable them to display large artifacts they received from the School District. Attorney suggested the option of licensing them to use the property.
Discussion of land sale to Moto Proz, details of title work and contract preparation.
Motion by Young, Second by Nelson to recess until 6:00 PM, August 11, 2021, for the regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting recessed at 7:25 PM.
Citizen requested meeting to be reconvened so he could be heard.
Motion by Hammes, Second by Nelson to reconvene the recessed meeting of the Mazeppa City Council. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting reconvened at 7:26 PM.
Bob Josselyn expressed concerns the Mazeppa Community Center was not being cleaned properly before an event, that the sidewalk was not being installed to City ordinance specifications, that a storage shed was too close to a domicile in one of the trailer parks and that a house under construction was permitted that does no meet minimum size requirements. Mr. Josselyn also asked the Council to consider making the Beech St. right-of-way between 2nd Ave. NE and 3rd Ave. NE dormant.
Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang stated that the Community Center issue was due to a scheduling error and had already been discussed, that the City hires a contractor with the understanding that work would be done to current standards and practices. Nahrgang stated that he had not found ordinance language that regulates distance between storage and domicile. A permit is not required for storage sheds under 200 square feet and not reviewed or inspected by the building inspection service, he also said that in his reading, a home on a permanent foundation had to be at least 24’ at its narrowest point and 36’ in length, and that he would check the ordinance.
Council asked that the sidewalk contractor be invited to the next meeting to clear up any misunderstandings.
Motion by Young, Second by Nelson to recess until 6:00 PM, August 11, 2021, for the regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.
Meeting recessed at 7:43 PM.